Here's Kara presentation with all the historical facts
Thanksgiving Day
In 1º ESO the students have been working all year on a multidisciplinary project: the design of a mascot for their group
They have been assigned tasks periodically so as to get to know their mascot a little more. In Spanish, they have written a fable to explain the origin of the mascot, and also they have worked on argumentative texts by writing an essay to give reasons why their mascot should be chosen as their group's mascot.
In French, they have written about the mascot's family, physical description and daily routines. In Art they have produced various drawings of their mascots.
In Geography and History the mascot has been a tourist in Montoro and after visiting the most important landmarks in the town they have made a poster with their adventures.
T-shirt messages
What do your T-shirts say about you? Have you ever stopped to read what the message on your T-shirt is before you buy it? Do you agree with it? We have asked the 4ºESO A students to show their favourite T-shirts with a message and explain what it means to them. Click on the picture to see their contributions.
Recycled Animals
In Biology, the 1º ESO students have learned about invertebrate animals, its features and habitats, diet and funny things and then have created one using recycled materials. In class, they have explained what they have learned about them and how they have "made" them. Here are some pictures:
Erasmus+ Students' Online Meeting
Last Tuesday, 11th May, the students participating in the Erasmus+ Project were able to see each other again! Because of the pandemic, the mobilities had been cancelled and although the students have been working online all this time, the excitement and expectations were enormous. A wonderful excuse to organize a virtual meeting was offered to us to coincide with the celebration of Europe Day. Each country prepared a presentation about their folklore. Spain made a video about the May festivities in Córdoba, which you can watch here:
Some moments of the meeting:
Celebrating Europe Day
The 2 ESO students have done several activities to celebrate Europe Day. Through a number of online games they have been able to revise the countries that form the European Union and some historical facts about the countries and the Union. They have enjoyed the games very much and have learned a lot about other countries as distant as Latvia, Finland or Cyprus. Here are some pictures of the students playing the games with their English teacher, Silvia Romero.
Book Day - 23rd April
"Romeo and Juliet" is arguably one of the most popular plays by Shakespeare. To celebrate Shakespeare's Day, the 1º and 2º ESO students have seen a short film with an adpatation of the tragedy. the first time Romeo and Juliet see each other is in a masquerade ball. Then, the students have created their own masks. here you cn see some of them.
And the winners are:
1. Rocío Rodríguez (1ºA)
2. Rocío Cañadilla (1ºB)
3. Diego Angel Hangulescu (1ºB)
4. Antonio J. Calle (2ºA)