A group of students are taking part in a national competition called "
Euroscola 2014". They must widen their knowledge of the European Union as well as make the Union's values be known by their schoolmates. In order to achieve that, they are reading and studying about the history of the European Union, the different organisms that govern the Union, the duties of the MEPs (Members of the European Parliament) and other related topics. Once they have got immersed in the Union's ideals and principles, the students have to devise a wide range of activities, which will be available to everyone on a blog, so that their knowledge reaches a wider audience and gets a bigger impact. Among the activities already carried out, we want to highlight a survey to find out how much their classmates know about the EU, interviews to European citizens living in Montoro and also interviews to people from Montoro who have experienced living in a European country for some time. They have contacted the
press in the area to spread their activities and they will be explaining their project in Radio Montoro next Friday 14th March. There are plenty of other activities in store, both fun and educational, including a debate with political representatives and an amazing acrosport show! We will follow them very closely. We wish them good luck in the competition! The prize is really appealing: a trip to Strasbourg, seat of the European Parliament.

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