Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is one of the most widespread, persistent and devastating human rights violations in our world today remains largely unreported due to the impunity, silence, stigma and shame surrounding it.

In general terms, it manifests itself in physical, sexual and psychological forms, encompassing:

  • intimate partner violence (battering, psychological abuse, marital rape, femicide);
  • sexual violence and harassment (rape, forced sexual acts, unwanted sexual advances, child sexual abuse, forced marriage, street harassment, stalking, cyber- harassment);
  • human trafficking (slavery, sexual exploitation);
  • female genital mutilation; and
  • child marriage.

November 25th is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. 
The 4 ESO A students (girls and boys) have made some protest banners and signs to show their rage about this scourge.

Hallowe'en - A Time of Ghosts and Ghouls

 Are you afraid of ghosts? Then, don't dare to walk along the 1ESO corridor or you'll have the most terrifying nightmares for the rest of your life! An army of ghosts awaits you there, hovering, silently, creeping up on anyone who happens to go past.

This year, Hallowe'en brings us a new competition for the 1ESO students. Their spooky ghosts and similar creatures will compete to get the 1st Prize. 

The Art teacher, Emmanuel, and our language asssitant, Sam, have chosen the winners.

Carmen (1ºA), Julia and Rocío (1ºB) have got the prizes.

Our Language Assistant

 Sam Campbell, from Maine (USA), is our new language assistant.

Hi, my name is Sam Campbell. I am 29 years old from Portland, Maine, USA.  I have been at I.E.S Santos Isasa for about one month now, and I love teaching here.  I have been enjoying getting to know the students and helping with their English, as well as their art, math, geography, history, and science! I have found the students to all be wonderful!

A little bit about me: I have been teaching English as a second language for about four years. Before moving to Montoro, I was an English conversation teacher in Thailand and South Korea. I love learning about new cultures and trying new things. My Spanish is not very good, but I study every day, and I hope to learn quickly! When I am not teaching, I can probably be found exploring the area, at a restaurant trying new food, or in a park reading a book.

If you see me around town, please say hello! I would love a chance to practice my Spanish, but please be patient because I am still learning.

Erasmus+ Project: II Encuentro Centros Erasmus+

 Last week some students taking part in the Erasmus+ project "Be a Buddy not a Bully" participated in the (virtual) meeting with other schools in Córdoba that also have an Erasmus+ project. They made a power point to present our project, objectives, activities and mobilities carried out so far. And we learned about the other schools' projects. Here are some photos of the meeting:

Cheer up! Lockdown video

 For a few weeks now life has come to a standstill. Because of the pandemic, many of our activities have been postponed or cancelled. We haven't been able to travel to Belgium, for the second meeting with students in our Erasmus+ project. Our 4ºESO students haven't been able to travel to London. And so many more ... However, we must keep our spirits high and hope for the end of the lockdown. In the meantime, students and teachers participating in the Erasmus+ project have made this video to cheer our partners up! We hope you like it!

Erasmus+ Project: Creating a Rap

 One of the most interesting activities carried out during the meeting with our European partners in Montoro was the writing of the lyrics for a rap, which will become our anthem. Here is the winner:

Erasmus+ Project: Meeting in Montoro

 As part of our project, Be a Buddy not a Bully, students and teachers from the four partner schools (Belgium, Italy, Croatia and Spain) have participated in the meeting held in our town from the 9th to the 15th February. With a tight program of activities, conferences, games and visits, the students have learned about the dangers of bullying and cyberbullying. They have also created bonds with their European mates, paving the way for further collaboration. Here are some pictures of the meeting,

Our language assistant says good-bye!

 Steve Lehman, our language assistant this year, wants to say good-bye to you all!

Teatro en Francés

Los alumnos de Francés de 4º de ESO y 2º de Bachillerato han asistido a un maratón de teatro en francés en la localidad de Palma del Río. Fantástica oportunidad para mejorar sus habilidades orales en un ambiente agradable junto a alumnos de otros centros.

Love at Santos Isasa School

One more year, Cupid doesn't forget about us. He has aimed at our 1º ESO students and has hit the target!

Intercambio con Lycée Claude Bernard, Villefranche-sur-Saone

Pour quatrième année,on réalise dans notre lycée un échange culturel avec le Lycée Claude Bernard de Villefranche-sur-Saône

Christmas Cards, in French!!!

Concours de Cartes de Noël des élèves de 1er de Eso. Et on profite  à vous souhaîter "Joyeuse nouvelle année 2020"